Vinnarna av IENE Awards 2016 har utsetts

Vinnarna av utmärkelsen IENE Awards har utsetts och tillkännagjordes igår via internationella IENEs hemsida.

Priset delas ut i två kategorier, dels till en person som har gjort enastående insatser inom området infrastrukturekologi, dels till ett projekt som har åstadkommit storartade resultat inom samma område. Utmärkelsen har blivit en uppskattad tradition inom IENEs nätverk och prisutdelningen sker vanligtvis vartannat år vid IENEs internationella konferens.

Årets vinnare i kategorin IENE Personal Award är Lars Nilsson från Sverige, med motiveringen:

”For his personal commitment and extraordinary achievements concerning the mitigation of negative effects of transport infrastructure on nature and biodiversity. Apart from his important work concerning road ecology in Sweden he played a major and crucial role in the restart of IENE in 2009, as well as in the following years.”

Årets vinnare av IENE Project Award gick till boken Handbook of Road Ecology, och till teamet som ligger bakom den, med motiveringen:

”With a global coverage and beautifully done, the Handbook of Road Ecology connects current scientific knowledge and practical requirements to address the pressing issues of transportation infrastructure development. The book has 114 authors from over 25 countries. Rodney van der Ree and his co-editors Daniel Smith and Clara Grilo brought together the world’s leading researchers, academics, practitioners and transportation agency personnel to present the current status of the ecological sustainability of the linear infrastructure. The success of the book has been impressive and it is a very inspiring book that is attracting more people to the field of road ecology. It simply is by far the best book ever written in this field.”


Läs mer om IENE Awards och hur man nominerar till nästa års utnämning.